What are the advantages of post-tension foundations?
Post-tensioning is a method of reinforcing or strengthening concrete or other materials with high-strength steel strands or bars, typically referred to as tendons. (PTI.COM) Foundations are designed by an engineer to exact standards and code requirements. Post-tensioning is a proven method with an excellent performance record and offers increased reliability.
Post-Tensioned Foundations Are Stronger
With post-tension slabs, stiffness of the foundation is increased so that the slab is better able to resist bending caused by differential soil movements
Post-Tensioning a foundation will reduce overall cracking in the concrete. Any cracks that may form will also be held tight, preventing insect infestation and water penetration which can damage floors and cause mold issues.
The strength and added stiffness of a post-tension foundation reduces the amount the slab will bend under the load of a structure.

Post-Tension Foundations Are Efficent
Post-tension foundations require less concrete and steel than the traditional foundations for the same structural capacity.
Post-Tension Foundations Are More Economical
Foundations that are post-tensioned are more efficient with materials, offering potential cost savings due to the reductions in concrete, steel, and excavation costs.